Rust Storage Mappers

The Rust framework provides various storage mappers to manage data storage in smart contracts. Choosing the right storage mapper for each situation is crucial for optimizing performance. In this guide, we'll describe different storage mappers and provide comparisons to help you make informed decisions.

General Purpose Mappers


The SingleValueMapper is used to store a single value. Here are some examples:

fn single_value(&self) -> SingleValueMapper<Type>;
fn single_value_with_single_key_arg(&self, key_arg: Type1) -> SingleValueMapper<Type2>;
fn single_value_with_multi_key_arg(&self, key_arg1: Type1, key_arg2: Type2) -> SingleValueMapper<Type3>;

Keep in mind that there's no way to iterate over all key_args, so if you need to do so, consider using another mapper.

Available methods:

  • get: Reads the value from storage and deserializes it to the given Type.
  • set: Sets the stored value to the provided value argument.
  • is_empty: Returns true if the storage entry is empty.
  • set_if_empty: Sets the value only if the storage for that value is currently empty.
  • clear: Clears the entry.
  • update: Takes a closure as an argument, applies that closure to the currently stored value, saves the new value, and returns any value the given closure might return.
  • raw_byte_length: Returns the raw byte length of the stored value.


The VecMapper stores elements of the same type, each under their own storage key. It allows access by index for these items. Examples:

fn my_vec(&self) -> VecMapper<Type>;
fn my_vec_with_args(&self, arg: Type1) -> VecMapper<Type2>;

Available methods:

  • push: Stores the element at index len and increments len afterward.
  • get: Gets the element at the specific index.
  • set: Sets the element at the given index.
  • clear_entry: Clears the entry at the given index.
  • is_empty: Returns true if the mapper has no elements stored.
  • len: Returns the number of items stored in the mapper.
  • extend_from_slice: Pushes all elements from the given slice at the end of the mapper.
  • swap_remove: Removes the element at index, moves the last element to index and decreases the len by 1.
  • clear: Clears all the elements from the mapper.
  • iter: Provides an iterator over all the elements.


The SetMapper stores a set of values, with no duplicates allowed. It also provides methods for checking if a value already exists in the set. Values are ordered by their order of insertion.


fn my_set(&self) -> SetMapper<Type>;

Available methods:

  • insert: Inserts the value into the set. Returns false if the item was already present.
  • remove: Removes the value from the set. Returns false if the set did not contain the value.
  • contains: Returns true if the mapper contains the given value.
  • is_empty: Returns true if the mapper has no elements stored.
  • len: Returns the number of items stored in the mapper.
  • clear: Clears all the elements from the mapper.
  • iter: Returns an iterator over all the stored elements.


The UnorderedSetMapper is similar to SetMapper, but it does not guarantee the order of the items. It is more efficient than SetMapper and should be used instead unless you need to maintain the order. It uses a VecMapper internally to store the elements and provides O(1) contains.


fn my_set(&self) -> UnorderedSetMapper<Type>;

Available methods:

  • swap_remove: Uses the internal VecMapper's swap_remove method to remove the element. Returns false if the element was not present in the set.


The WhitelistMapper stores a whitelist of items and does not provide means of iterating over the elements. If you need to iterate over the elements, use UnorderedSetMapper instead. It simply stores a flag in storage for each item if they're whitelisted.


fn my_whitelist(&self) -> WhitelistMapper<Type>

Available methods:

  • add: Adds the value to the whitelist.
  • remove: Removes the value from the whitelist.
  • contains: Returns true if the mapper contains the given value.
  • require_whitelisted: Signals an error if the item is not whitelisted.


The LinkedListMapper stores a linked list, allowing fast insertion/removal of elements and the possibility to iterate over the entire list.


fn my_linked_list(&self) -> LinkedListMapper<Type>

Available methods:

  • is_empty: Returns true if the mapper has no elements stored.
  • len: Returns the number of items stored in the mapper.
  • clear: Clears all the elements from the mapper.
  • iter: Returns an iterator over all the stored elements.
  • iter_from_node_id: Returns an iterator starting from the given node_id.
  • front/back: Returns the first/last element if the list is not empty.
  • pop_front/pop_back: Removes and returns the first/last element from the list.
  • push_after/push_before: Inserts the given element into the list after/before the given node.
  • push_after_node_id/push_before_node_id: Inserts the given element after/before the node with the given node_id.
  • push_front/push_back: Pushes the given element at the front/back of the list.
  • set_node_value/set_node_value_by_id: Sets a node's value.
  • remove_node/remove_node_by_id: Removes the node from the list.


The MapMapper stores (key, value) pairs and allows iteration over keys. This is the most expensive mapper to use. Keys are ordered by their order of insertion.


fn my_map(&self) -> MapMapper<KeyType, ValueType>

Available methods:

  • is_empty: Returns true if the mapper has no elements stored.
  • len: Returns the number of items stored in the mapper.
  • contains_key: Returns true if the mapper contains the given key.
  • get: Returns Some(value) if the key exists, None if the key does not exist.
  • insert: Inserts the given key, value pair into the map and returns Some(old_value) if the key was already present.
  • remove: Removes the key and the corresponding value from the map and returns the value.
  • keys/values/iter: Provides an iterator over all

keys, values, and (key, value) pairs, respectively.

Specialized Mappers


The UniqueIdMapper holds values from 1 to N with a special property: if mapper[i] == i, then nothing is actually stored. This makes initialization O(1) instead of O(N), making it useful for maintaining a list of available IDs.


fn my_id_mapper(&self) -> UniqueIdMapper<Self::Api>

Available methods:

  • set_initial_len: Sets the initial mapper length.
  • is_empty: Returns true if the mapper has no elements stored.
  • len: Returns the number of items stored in the mapper.
  • get: Gets the value for the given index.
  • set: Sets the value at the given index.
  • swap_remove: Removes the ID at the given index and returns it.
  • iter: Provides an iterator over all the IDs.

Comparisons between Different Mappers

SingleValueMapper vs Old Storage Set/Get Pairs

There is no difference between SingleValueMapper and the old-school setters/getters. SingleValueMapper is a more compact and efficient option.

SingleValueMapper vs VecMapper

Use SingleValueMapper when you need to read the whole array on every use or the array is expected to be of small length. Use VecMapper when you require reading a part of the array or the encoding of T is more efficient with VecMapper.

VecMapper vs SetMapper

Use SetMapper when you need to store a whitelist of values efficiently, as it provides O(1) value checking. Avoid using VecMapper for such cases, as it can be inefficient.

VecMapper vs LinkedListMapper

LinkedListMapper is a specialized version of VecMapper that allows fast insertion/removal at both ends and efficient iteration. It is suitable for storing queues or ordered lists.

SingleValueMapper vs MapMapper

Avoid using MapMapper unless you need to iterate over all the entries, as it is the most expensive mapper in terms of gas costs. SingleValueMapper is more efficient and suitable for most cases.

Always choose the right mapper for your specific use-case to optimize gas costs and complexity.


Stores a token identifier (like a SingleValueMapper<TokenIdentifier>) and provides methods for using this token ID directly with the most common API functions. Note that most method calls will fail if the token was not issued previously.


rust fn my_token_id(&self) -> FungibleTokenMapper

Available methods:


fn issue( &mut self, token_display_name: &ManagedBuffer<SA>, token_ticker: &ManagedBuffer<SA>, initial_supply: &BigUint<SA>, max_supply: &BigUint<SA>, num_decimals: u32) -> TokenIdentifier<SA>

Issues a new fungible token. issue_cost is 0.05 KLV (5000000000000000) at the time of writing this, but since this changed in the past, we've let it as an argument it case it changes again in the future.

This mapper allows only one issue, so trying to issue multiple types will signal an error.


rust fn mint(amount: BigUint) -> KdaTokenPayment

Mints amount tokens for the stored token ID, using the KDALocalMint built-in function. Returns a payment struct, containing the token ID and the given amount.


rust fn mint_and_send(to: &ManagedAddress, amount: BigUint) -> KdaTokenPayment<SA>

Same as the method above, but also sends the minted tokens to the given address.


rust fn burn(amount: &BigUint)

Burns amount tokens, using the KDALocalBurn built-in function.


rust fn get_balance() -> BigUint

Gets the current balance the SC has for the token.


Similar to the FungibleTokenMapper, but is used for NFT, SFT and META-Kda tokens.

fn nft_create<T: TopEncode>(amount: BigUint, attributes: &T) -> KdaTokenPayment

fn nft_create_named<T: TopEncode>(amount: BigUint, name: &ManagedBuffer, attributes: &T) -> KdaTokenPayment

Creates an NFT (optionally with a display name) and returns the token ID, the created token's nonce, and the given amount in a payment struct.


fn nft_create_and_send<T: TopEncode>(to: &ManagedAddress, amount: BigUint, attributes: &T,) -> KdaTokenPayment

fn nft_create_and_send_named<T: TopEncode>(to: &ManagedAddress, amount: BigUint, name: &ManagedBuffer, attributes: &T,) -> KdaTokenPayment

Same as the methods above, but also sends the created token to the provided address.


rust fn nft_add_quantity(token_nonce: u64, amount: BigUint) -> KdaTokenPayment

Adds quantity for the given token nonce. This can only be used if one of the nft_create functions was used before AND the SC holds at least 1 token for the given nonce.


rust fn nft_add_quantity_and_send(to: &ManagedAddress, token_nonce: u64, amount: BigUint) -> KdaTokenPayment

Same as the method above, but also sends the tokens to the provided address.


rust fn nft_burn(token_nonce: u64, amount: &BigUint)

Burns amount tokens for the given nonce.


rust fn get_all_token_data(token_nonce: u64) -> KdaTokenData<Self::Api>

Gets all the token data for the given nonce. The SC must own the given nonce for this function to work.

KdaTokenData contains the following fields:

rust pub struct KdaTokenData<M: ManagedTypeApi> { pub token_type: KdaTokenType, pub amount: BigUint<M>, pub frozen: bool, pub hash: ManagedBuffer<M>, pub name: ManagedBuffer<M>, pub attributes: ManagedBuffer<M>, pub creator: ManagedAddress<M>, pub royalties: BigUint<M>, pub uris: ManagedVec<M, ManagedBuffer<M>>, }


rust fn get_balance(token_nonce: u64) -> BigUint

Gets the SC's balance for the given token nonce.


rust fn get_token_attributes<T: TopDecode>(token_nonce: u64) -> T

Gets the attributes for the given token nonce. The SC must own the given nonce for this function to work.

Common functions for FungibleTokenMapper and NonFungibleTokenMapper

Both mappers work similarly, so some functions have the same implementation for both.


rust fn is_empty() -> bool

Returns true if the token ID is not set yet.


rust fn get_token_id() -> TokenIdentifier<SA>

Gets the stored token ID.


rust fn set_token_id(token_id: &TokenIdentifier)

Manually sets the token ID for this mapper. This can only be used once, and can not be overwritten afterwards. This will fail if the token was issue previously, as the token ID was automatically set.


rust fn require_same_token(expected_token_id: &TokenIdentifier) fn require_all_same_token(payments: &ManagedVec<KdaTokenPayment>)

Will signal an error if the provided token ID argument(s) differs from the stored token. Useful in #[payable] methods when you only want to this token as payment.

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