Web App

Here are the articles in this section:

Quick Start guide

Vanilla JS

React TS

Changing network

All web object methods

Quick start guide

Getting started with the KleverChain SDK

To use the KleverChain sdk in a web application, you must use the web object. It manages the window object to use the appropriate account manager (web extension or mobile wallet).

You can see some examples by clicking in the link below.

Examples by framework:

Vanilla JS

The following scripts are fully functional for implementing a send button that does a transfer.


import {
} from 'https://sdk.kleverscan.org/kleverchain-sdk-web-esm-1-0-x.js'

const provider = {
  api: 'https://api.testnet.klever.finance',
  node: 'https://node.testnet.klever.finance',


const sendButton = document.getElementById('send-button')
const connectButton = document.getElementById('connect-button')

const connectWallet = async () => {
  await web.initialize()

const sendTransaction = async () => {
  const payload = {
    amount: 100 * 10 ** 6,
    receiver: 'klv1fpwjz234gy8aaae3gx0e8q9f52vymzzn3z5q0s5h60pvktzx0n0qwvtux5',
    kda: 'KLV',

  try {
    const unsignedTx = await web.buildTransaction([
        type: TransactionType.Transfer,

    const signedTx = await web.signTransaction(unsignedTx)

    const response = await web.broadcastTransactions([signedTx])
  } catch (error) {

sendButton.onclick = sendTransaction
connectButton.onclick = connectWallet


  <script type="module" src="./connectAndsend.js"></script>

  <button id="connect-button">connect</button>
  <button id="send-button">send</button>

You can also download the script, and do a local import instead of fetching from the CDN at every import.

React TS

The following scripts are fully functional for a send button component that does a transfer.


import React from 'react'
import { IProvider, web, ITransfer, TransactionType } from '@klever/sdk-web'
const provider: IProvider = {
  api: 'https://api.testnet.klever.finance',
  node: 'https://node.testnet.klever.finance',


const connectWallet = async () => {
  await web.initialize()

const ConnectButton: React.FC = () => {
  return <button onClick={connectWallet}>Connect</button>

export default ConnectButton


import React from 'react'
import { web, ITransfer, TransactionType } from '@klever/sdk-web'

const sendTransaction = async () => {
  const payload: ITransfer = {
    amount: 100 * 10 ** 6,
    receiver: 'klv1fpwjz234gy8aaae3gx0e8q9f52vymzzn3z5q0s5h60pvktzx0n0qwvtux5',
    kda: 'KLV',

  try {
    const unsignedTx = await web.buildTransaction([
        type: TransactionType.Transfer,

    const signedTx = await web.signTransaction(unsignedTx)

    const response = await web.broadcastTransactions([signedTx])
  } catch (error) {

const SendTXButton: React.FC = () => {
  return <button onClick={sendTransaction}>Send</button>

export default SendTXButton


import React from 'react'
import SendTXButton from 'components/SendTXButton'
import ConnectButton from 'components/ConnectButton'

const SendPage: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      <ConnectButton />
      <SendTXButton />

export default SendPage

See Changing Network to more insights on how to better structure the web.setProvider()call in the project.

Changing network

The default network is the Kleverchain Mainnet, but if you want to use the Kleverchain Testnet or a local version of the Kleverchain, you can change the kleverWeb provider object by setting it before calling the initialize function.

The providers should be set only once, possibly in the outermost scope of the application that need access to creating transactions, to avoid any conflicts.

Eg: Set it inside a group of Routes, Context, or in the application entry point.

import { web, IProvider } from '@klever/sdk-web';
  const provider:IProvider = {
      api: 'https://api.testnet.klever.finance',
      node: 'https://node.testnet.klever.finance'



All web object methods

All of the following methods are implemented by the account manager (web extension or mobile wallet), the sdk mostly provides ease of use and correct types.

isKleverWebLoaded()booleanChecks if a Klever Web account manager is loaded.
isKleverWebActive()booleanChecks if the loaded account manager is initialized.
broadcastTransactions(transactions: ITransaction[])Promise<IBroadcastResponse>Broadcasts an array of transactions to the provided node.
signMessage(message: string, privateKey: string)Promise<string>Uses the account manager's internal signature method to sign any message.
signTransaction(transaction: ITransaction)Promise<ITransaction>Uses the account manager's internal signature method to sign a transaction.
validateSignature(message: string, signature: string, publickey: string)Promise<boolean>Checks if the signature and signer are compatible.
buildTransaction(contracts: IContractRequest[], txData?: string[], options?: ITxOptionsRequest)Promise<ITransaction>Builds a simplified transaction into a transaction ready to be signed.
initialize(timeout?: number)Promise<void>Initializes the account manager with the selected account in the wallet. Waits until the provider is injected on the window (default timeout: 5000ms).
getWalletAddress()stringReturns the selected account address.
getProvider()IProviderGets the current provider object.
setProvider(providers: IProvider)voidSets the provider object.

Optional Build Params Usage

To build a transaction you only need the contracts with the correct parameters, described in each contract page, however you can pass additional options such as metadata and custom nonce or permission ID for the transaction.


To send metadata, use the second parameter in buildTransaction, notice that it should be an array where each string corresponds to the metadata of the contract of the same index. E.g.:

  [transferContract, assetTriggerContract],
  ['metadata0', 'metadata1'],

"metadata0" will be added to the transferContract, "metadata1" will be added to the assetTriggerContract.

Nonce and Permission ID

To change the nonce or the permission ID, use the third parameter. E.g.:

buildTransaction([transferContract],, {

Encode And Decode SmartContract Data


You can encode all types using the AbiEncoder. You can encode simple types, or encode using the SmartContract ABI

Here is a few examples:

abiEncoder.encodeBigNumber(-1) // 0000000101

abiEncoder.encodeABIValue('hello', 'String') // 0000000568656c6c6f

) //485d212a35410fdef731419f9380a9a2984d885388a807c297d3c2cb2c467cde


You can decode all types using the AbiDecoder. You can decode simple types, lists, structures or use the SmartContract ABI as a reference._createMdxContent

Here is a few examples:

let decodedList = decodeList(

console.log(decoded2[0][0]) // KL
console.log(decoded2[1][0]) // KLV

decodeValue('0a', 'u64') //BigInt(10)


Decode and Encode is very simple using the WebSDK. You can check the repository to see all tests and more examples.

Here we have examples of a real usage:

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