Node Operations

Here are all the operations related to nodes on KleverChain

This segment presents instructions on how to set up a new node on the Klever network, its system requirements and how to update its status, as well as a quick introduction to Klever's technology.


A Deep Dive Into Klever Finance Blockchain (KleverChain)

Blockchain is difficult, but it shouldn't be.

1. What is Klever

Klever Finance is a trusted permissionless blockchain network for the emerging decentralized economy, providing a safer, faster and smarter cryptocurrency experience for all users globally to enter and thrive.

A blockchain network does not have an intrinsic value in and of itself, but in fact is only as valuable as what the platform offers its users in terms of usable products and opportunities to participate in the network.

With this in mind, we present KleverChain to allow users on a global scale to access indispensable services and products. These include market-leading crypto wallet, crypto swap, web browser, exchange, staking, payment channels, loans, liquidity pools, decentralized finance, game assets, supply chains, logistic records, notary, stored value, gift cards, rewards, loyalty programs, collectibles, banking, ownership and more.

We strive to create a network where trustless technologies empower businesses and individuals in an open global economy using secure, fast and innovative on-chain peer-to-peer applications.

2. Architecture Overview

Building and deploying blockchain apps should be simple, cheap, and easy for all developers to do, and that is exactly what Klever Blockchain enables.

Instead of being a smart-contracts platform, Klever Blockchain will provide prebuilt and ready-to-use functionalities for developers to build decentralized applications.

Our goal is to have a secure and efficient blockchain coordinated by a Proof of Stake consensus mechanism composed of 21 validators, which are randomly selected among the masternodes for the consensus group in each Epoch.

Nodes will sign-off messages broadcasted to the network building a reliability rank of each operator. Nodes with bad behavior will be jailed. Until this jail time isn’t cleared, those ill-behaved nodes will not participate in the validators selection pool.

On top of that, a customized version of the Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance algorithm (PBFT) was implemented for network reliability and resilience, ensuring a fast full confirmation of blocks.

System Requirements

What you need to run a node on KleverChain.

To run a node on KleverChain, you need the following minimum setup:

  • A CPU with 4 cores.
  • A RAM with 8GB.
  • An SSD with 200 GB.
  • An internet connection speed of at least 100 Mbps.
  • Linux or MacOS.

To start with Klever blockchain, make sure you have Docker installed and download the latest Klever Toolchain image.

Follow instructions on to install Docker.

To download Klever Toolchain, type:

docker pull kleverapp/klever-go:latest

How To Create A Wallet

To create a wallet, choosing the output folder, first create the output folder and then run the operator with create-wallet command:

mkdir wallet
docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd)/wallet:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/operator \
    kleverapp/klever-go:latest account create

This will generate the wallet and return the address asociated with it, as seen below:

If the output directory does not exist, it will be created but you may run into file permission issues.

To check your wallet certificate and address, type:

docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd)/wallet:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/operator \
    kleverapp/klever-go:latest account address

This should show your address, as seen below:

How To Run A Node

Commands to run a node

Klever nodes run inside a docker container, check System Requirements section to download Klever Toolchain first.

Create statics directory

Create a folder where all the data will be stored:

mkdir -p $(pwd)/node/config $(pwd)/node/db $(pwd)/node/logs

Network genesis config

Download latest config file and extract into your config directory

For MainNet

curl -k \
    | tar -xz -C ./node

For TestNet

curl -k \
    | tar -xz -C ./node

Create your validator BLS Key

Execute a command inside the docker container to create wallets for validators. The data is then forwarded to the directory created previously.

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/node/config:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --entrypoint='' kleverapp/klever-go:latest keygenerator

Run your node the first time

The command for running a node comes with a few settings: it includes mappings for cryptographic keys, data directories and logs, as well as network ports, the application that will run when the docker image is executed and the file of node validators signature.


docker run -it --rm \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --name klever-node \
    -v $(pwd)/node/config:/opt/klever-blockchain/config/node \
    -v $(pwd)/node/db:/opt/klever-blockchain/db \
    -v $(pwd)/node/logs:/opt/klever-blockchain/logs \
    --network=host \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/validator \
    kleverapp/klever-go:latest \
    '--log-save' '--rest-api-interface='

The table below shows what each part of the command is supposed to do.

Import genesis config and the generated .pem file (BLS Key).

-v $(pwd)/node/db:/opt/klever-blockchain/db

Select the destination DB folder.

-v $(pwd)/node/logs:/opt/klever-blockchain/logs

Save log files and set the log folders

-v $(pwd)/config:/opt/klever-blockchain/config/node

If one wants to monitor the node using log files, the flag --use-log-view must be passed. Otherwise, the standard view is a visual interface as seen below.

When you are done setting up and running your node, you are expected to see information about your node, the blockchain itself, as well as data from your own computer, just like the example below:

A node running, showing how many blocks were proposed and accepted, current blocks, slots and connected nodes, last generated hash, computational information, epoch and network processes and a basic log info segment.

Run node in the background the first time

When running in the background, add parameter --use-log-view and replace --rm for -d

docker run -it -d --restart unless-stopped \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --name klever-node \
    -v $(pwd)/node/config:/opt/klever-blockchain/config/node \
    -v $(pwd)/node/db:/opt/klever-blockchain/db \
    -v $(pwd)/node/logs:/opt/klever-blockchain/logs \
    --network=host \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/validator \
    kleverapp/klever-go:latest \
    '--log-save' '--use-log-view' '--rest-api-interface='

If you are running your node in the background, you can either verify logs in ./node/logs folder or use the docker command:

docker logs -f --tail 5 klever-node

You can speed up your node's first synchronization by using the FullNode database backup

For MainNet

curl -k \
    | tar -xz -C ./node

For TestNet

curl -k   | tar -xz -C ./node

You can also opt for using fast sync with --start-in-epoch flag. This will indicate node to download last epoch only and start sync from there.

After the first node run, the subsequent commands must remove the flag --start-in-epoch.

This flag is only for node initialization without a db, if the node already has a db, you just need to sync from the last block saved or delete the database and start from the last epoch info.

Are You On Windows

If you're using Windows OS, there a few steps before running your node.

First of all, you need to install WSL, which is a way of using Linux inside your windows system. Make sure you have the 2.0 version.

Then, you should install a Linux distribution of your preference through the Microsoft Store app, which comes with Microsoft Windows (you could just type 'store' on the search bar).

And finally, you need to install Docker and enable the integration with WSL, on the settings menu.

Now, you are good to go. You can use the following instructions on the Linux environment to run your node, being attentive to user permission (typing 'sudo' before the following commands will mostly solve any problems).

Download Klever node

Download the application from Klever's repository using docker:

docker pull kleverapp/klever-go:latest

Create statics directory

Create a folder where all the data will be stored:

mkdir -p $(pwd)/node/config $(pwd)/node/db $(pwd)/node/logs

Create your validator BLS Key

Execute a command inside the docker container to create wallets for validators. The data is then forwarded to the directory created previously.

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/node:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --entrypoint='' kleverapp/klever-go:latest keygenerator

Run your node

The command for running a node comes with a few settings: it includes mappings for cryptographic keys, data directories and logs, as well as network ports, the application that will run when the docker image is executed and the file of node validators signature.

docker run -it --rm \
    --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    --name klever-node \
    -v $(pwd)/node/confgi:/opt/klever-blockchain/config/node \
    -v $(pwd)/node/db:/opt/klever-blockchain/db \
    -v $(pwd)/node/logs:/opt/klever-blockchain/logs \
    --network=host \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/validator \
    kleverapp/klever-go-testnet:latest \
    '--log-save' '--rest-api-interface='

When you are done setting up and running your node, you are expected to see information about your node, the blockchain itself, as well as data from your own computer, just like the example below:

A node running, showing how many blocks were proposed and accepted, current blocks, slots and connected nodes, last generated hash, computational information, epoch and network processes and a basic log info segment.

How To Stop A Node

Stop a node with the following command:

docker stop klever-node

How To Restart A Node

Restart the node:

docker restart klever-node

How To Backup Db Folder

First, you need to stop the node:

docker stop klever-node

Then compress the DB folder:

tar -czvf filename.tar.gz $(pwd)/node/db

How To Upgrade Node Docker Image Version

First, stop the node:

 docker stop klever-node

Upgrade image:

docker pull kleverapp/klever-go:latest

Then you can recreate the node with a new image. Don't forget to delete the container if running in the background:

docker rm klever-node

How To Send Using Cli

To use your wallet with Klever Toolchain, you will need to map your wallet private key (the .pem file created in the session How to create a wallet) into the toolchain by adding:

-v $(pwd)/wallet:/opt/klever-blockchain

Or if you are using a self-hosted node, use --network=host to access the local node API. You can also use a public node by adding an environment variable into the toolchain:


Send tokens with the following code:

docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd)/wallet:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --network=host \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/operator \
    kleverapp/klever-go:latest \
    --key-file=./walletKey.pem \
    --node= \
    account send klv1h7vx629mwuv4pnecn0k9clxp9rt7rquat3kvydgu8npt20e0ntjq3jhd40 137

On the last line, after the "send" command (send klv1h7vx629mwuv4pnecn0k9clxp9rt7rquat3kvydgu8npt20e0ntjq3jhd40 137), the code represents the following scheme: [TO] [AMOUNT].

[TO] is the address to whom the tokens are being sent.

[AMOUNT] is how much is being sent.

--kda is the Asset ID.

If no --kda is passed, as in the example above, the default KDA is KLV.

Here is another example, sending KFI:

docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd)/wallet:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --network=host \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/operator \
    kleverapp/klever-go:latest \
    --key-file=./walletKey.pem \
    --node= \
    account send klv1h7vx629mwuv4pnecn0k9clxp9rt7rquat3kvydgu8npt20e0ntjq3jhd40 \
    137 --kda=KFI

All Cli Operations

If you are using your local node, you should use the regular command:

operator [command] [arguments] --[flags]

If you are using the docker image operator, use the generic command version:

docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd)/wallet:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --network=host \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/operator \
    kleverapp/klever-go:latest \
    --key-file=./walletKey.pem \
    --node= \
    [command] [arguments] --[flags]


Klever Operator


OPERATOR interface to Klever Blockchain

Type 'operator --help' for details
operator [flags]


  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
  -h, --help                      help for operator
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account

account actions

operator account [flags]


  -h, --help   help for address

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Address

returns wallet address

operator account address [flags]


  -h, --help   help for address

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Allowance

return account allowance on a given KDA

operator account allowance  [flags]


  -h, --help   help for allowance

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Balance

returns wallet balance

operator account balance 


  -h, --help   help for balance

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Batchsend

create several transfer transactions: batchsend --values Addr1=Val1 Addr2=Val2 ...

operator account batchsend [flags]


  -h, --help                    help for batchsend
      --kda string              --kda=KDAID-0000 (default "KLV")
      --values stringToString   --values 'addr1=val1, addr2=val2, addr3=val3' (default [])

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Claim

claim transaction

operator account claim [CLAIM_TYPE] [flags]


  -h, --help        help for claim
      --id string   --id=KDAID-00000 (default "KLV")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Create

create new wallet pem file

operator account create [flags]


  -h, --help   help for create

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Csv

send transactions based on CSV file

operator account csv FILENAME [flags]


  -h, --help   help for csv

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Delegate

delegate bucket to validator

operator account delegate [TO] [flags]


      --bucketID string   --bucketID=000...000
  -h, --help              help for delegate

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Export Sk.Js

export-sk print hex encoded private key from pem file

operator account export-sk [flags]


  -h, --help   help for export-sk

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Export Sk

export-sk print hex encoded private key from pem file

operator account export-sk [flags]


  -h, --help   help for export-sk

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Freeze

freeze asset

operator account freeze [AMOUNT] [flags]


  -h, --help         help for freeze
      --kda string   --kda=KDAID-00000 (default "KLV")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Import Sk

import-sk creates pem file from hex encoded secret key

operator account import-sk [flags]


  -h, --help          help for import-sk
      --path string   file to be generated

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Info

returns account details

operator account info 


  -h, --help   help for info

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Permission

set wallet permission

operator account permission [flags]


  -h, --help               help for permission
      --perm stringArray   --perm='{"type":1, "threshold": 2, "operations":"0fff", "signers": [{"address":"klv1fpwjz234gy8aaae3gx0e8q9f52vymzzn3z5q0s5h60pvktzx0n0qwvtux5", "weight": 1},{"address":"klv18cgjm6mfahuvnl3vj8kx3fph8qvth048we0486cd8xp9nenm4saqg0h9jl", "weight": 1}]}'

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Send

create a transfer transaction: send [TO] [AMOUNT]

operator account send [TO] [AMOUNT] [flags]


  -h, --help         help for send
      --kda string   --kda=KDAID-0000 (default "KLV")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Set Name

set an account name

operator account set-name [NAME] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for set-name

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Undelegate

undelegate bucket id

operator account undelegate [flags]


      --bucketID string   --bucketID=000...000
  -h, --help              help for undelegate

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Unfreeze

unfreeze asset bucket

operator account unfreeze [flags]


      --bucketID string   --bucketID=000...000
  -h, --help              help for unfreeze
      --kda string        --kda=KDAID-00000 (default "KLV")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account Withdraw

withdraw asset

operator account withdraw [flags]


  -h, --help         help for withdraw
      --kda string   --kda=KDAID-00000 (default "KLV")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Account

account actions

operator account [flags]


  -h, --help   help for account

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Broadcast

broadcast a transaction

operator broadcast [Transaction] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for broadcast

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Fb

operator fb [Address/TXHASH] [flags]


      --fb-node string   forwarding to
  -h, --help             help for fb

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Gov Create Proposal

create a network proposal upgrade

operator gov create-proposal [flags]


      --description string          --description description of the proposal
      --duration uint32             --duration [epochs] (default = 4) (default 4)
  -h, --help                        help for create-proposal
      --parameters stringToString   --parameters '0=10000,1=250000,5=1000' (default [])

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Gov Vote

vote for network proposal

operator gov vote [PROPOSAL_ID] [VOTE_AMOUNT] [VOTE_TYPE] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for vote

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Gov

governance actions

operator gov [flags]


  -h, --help   help for gov

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kapps Buy

buy transaction

operator kapps buy [flags]


      --amount float            set a buy amount
      --currencyAmount float    locks the currency amount to be spent
  -h, --help                    help for buy
      --id string               set a buy ID
      --kda string              set a KDA ID
      --type int32              set a buy type

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kapps Cancel Market

cancel-market transaction

operator kapps cancel-market [MARKET_ID] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for cancel-market

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kapps Config Ito

config an ITO transaction

operator kapps config-ito [flags]


      --endTime int                set ITO end time
  -h, --help                       help for config-ito
      --kda string                 set a KDA ID
      --limitPerAddress int        set limit per address
      --maxAmount float            set an ITO max amount
      --packs stringArray          --packs='{"kda":"KLV", "packs": [{"amount": 1000, "price": 2},{"amount":2000, "price": 1}]}'
      --receiver string            set an ITO receiver address
      --startTime int              set ITO start time
      --status int32               set ITO status
      --whitelist stringToString   --whitelist 'klv...=1,klv...=2, klv...=3' (default [])
      --whitelistEndTime int       set ITO whitelist end time
      --whitelistStartTime int     set ITO whitelist start time
      --whitelistStatus int32      set ITO whitelist status

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kapps Config Marketplace

config marketplace transaction

operator kapps config-marketplace [flags]


  -h, --help               help for config-marketplace
      --id string          set a marketplace ID
      --name string        set a marketplace name
      --percentage float   set a referral percentage
      --referral string    set a referral address

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kapps Create Marketplace

create marketplace transaction

operator kapps create-marketplace [flags]


  -h, --help               help for create-marketplace
      --name string        set a marketplace name
      --percentage float   set a referral percentage
      --referral string    set a referral address

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kapps Sell

sell transaction

operator kapps sell [flags]


      --currency string   set a sell currency
      --endTime int       set a sell end time
  -h, --help              help for sell
      --kda string        set a KDA ID
      --market string     set a sell market ID
      --price float       set a sell price
      --reserve float     set a sell reserve price
      --type int32        set a market type

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kapps Set Ito Prices

set ITO prices transaction

operator kapps set-ito-prices [flags]


  -h, --help                help for set-ito-prices
      --kda string          set a KDA ID
      --packs stringArray   --packs='{"kda":"KLV", "packs": [{"amount": 1000, "price": 2},{"amount":2000, "price": 1}]}'

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kapps Trigger Ito

trigger an ITO

operator kapps trigger-ito [TRIGGER_TYPE] [flags]


      --endTime int                set ITO end time
  -h, --help                       help for trigger-ito
      --kda string                 set a KDA ID
      --limitPerAddress int        set limit per address
      --maxAmount float            set an ITO max amount
      --packs stringArray          --packs='{"kda":"KLV", "packs": [{"amount": 1000, "price": 2},{"amount":2000, "price": 1}]}'
      --receiver string            set an ITO receiver address
      --startTime int              set ITO start time
      --status int32               set ITO status
      --whitelist stringToString   --whitelist 'klv...=1,klv...=2, klv...=3' (default [])
      --whitelistEndTime int       set ITO whitelist end time
      --whitelistStartTime int     set ITO whitelist start time
      --whitelistStatus int32      set ITO whitelist status

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kapps

kapps actions

operator kapps [flags]


  -h, --help   help for kapps

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kda Create

create a new KDA

operator kda create [KDA_TYPE] [flags]


      --addRolesMint strings                      KDA addRolesMint
      --addRolesSetITOPrices strings              KDA addRolesSetITOPrices
      --apr float                                 KDA apr
      --canAddRoles                               KDA canAddRoles
      --canBurn                                   KDA canBurn
      --canChangeOwner                            KDA canChangeOwner
      --canFreeze                                 KDA canFreeze
      --canMint                                   KDA canMint
      --canPause                                  KDA canPause
      --canWipe                                   KDA canWipe
  -h, --help                                      help for create
      --initialSupply float                       KDA initialSupply
      --interestType uint32                       KDA interest type
      --isNFTMintStopped                          KDA isNFTMintStopped
      --isPaused                                  KDA isPaused
      --isRoyaltiesChangeStopped                  KDA isRoyaltiesChangeStopped
      --logo string                               KDA logo
      --maxSupply float                           KDA maxSupply
      --minEpochsToClaim uint32                   KDA minEpochsToClaim
      --minEpochsToUnstake uint32                 KDA minEpochsToUnstake
      --minEpochsToWithdraw uint32                KDA minEpochsToWithdraw
      --name string                               KDA name
      --ownerAddress string                       KDA ownerAddress
      --precision uint32                          KDA precision
      --royaltiesAddress string                   KDA royaltiesAddress
      --royaltiesITOFixed float                   KDA royaltiesITOFixed
      --royaltiesITOPercentage float              KDA royaltiesITOPercentage
      --royaltiesMarketFixed float                KDA royaltiesMarketFixed
      --royaltiesMarketPercentage float           KDA royaltiesMarketPercentage
      --royaltiesTransferFixed float              KDA royaltiesTransferFixed
      --royaltiesTransferPercentage stringArray   --royaltiesTransferPercentage='{"amount": 100, "percentage": 50}'
      --splitRoyalties stringArray                --splitRoyalties='{"address":"klv...", "percentTransferPercentage": 1, "percentTransferFixed": 1, "percentMarketPercentage": 1, "percentMarketFixed": 1}, "percentITOPercentage": 1, "percentITOFixed": 1}'
      --ticker string                             KDA ticker
      --uris stringToString                       KDA uris (default [])

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kda Deposit

Trigger a deposit request on KDA

operator kda deposit [amount] [flags]


      --currencyID string   Currency to share
      --depositType int32   Deposit type
  -h, --help                help for deposit
      --kdaID string        Deposit to KDA ID

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kda Trigger

trigger a KDA

operator kda trigger [TRIGGER_TYPE] [flags]


      --addRolesMint strings                      Trigger addRolesMint
      --addRolesSetITOPrices strings              Trigger addRolesSetITOPrices
      --amount float                              Trigger amount
  -h, --help                                      help for trigger
      --kdaID string                              Trigger KDA ID
      --logo string                               Trigger logo
      --mime string                               Trigger mime
      --nftID string                              Trigger NFT ID
      --receiver string                           Trigger receiver
      --royaltiesAddress string                   KDA royaltiesAddress
      --royaltiesITOFixed float                   KDA royaltiesITOFixed
      --royaltiesITOPercentage float              KDA royaltiesITOPercentage
      --royaltiesMarketFixed float                KDA royaltiesMarketFixed
      --royaltiesMarketPercentage float           KDA royaltiesMarketPercentage
      --royaltiesTransferFixed float              KDA royaltiesTransferFixed
      --royaltiesTransferPercentage stringArray   --royaltiesTransferPercentage='{"amount": 100, "percentage": 50}'
      --splitRoyalties stringArray                --splitRoyalties='{"address":"klv...", "percentTransferPercentage": 1, "percentTransferFixed": 1, "percentMarketPercentage": 1, "percentMarketFixed": 1}, "percentITOPercentage": 1, "percentITOFixed": 1}'
      --updateKdaPool stringToString              --updateKdaPool 'active=false,adminAddress=klv-address,fixedRatioKLV=1,fixedRatioKDA=100 (default [])
      --updateStaking stringToString              --updateStaking 'apr=10, claim=1, unstake=5, withdraw=7' (claim/unstake/withdraw are the min epochs to make the respective actions) (default [])
      --uris stringToString                       Trigger uris (default [])

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kda Withdraw

Trigger a withdraw request on KDA Pool

operator kda withdraw [amount] [flags]


      --currencyID string   Currency to share
  -h, --help                help for withdraw
      --kdaID string        Deposit to KDA ID

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Kda

kda actions

operator kda [flags]


  -h, --help   help for kda

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Sign

sign a transaction

operator sign [Transaction] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for sign

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Tx By Id

get transaction by id

operator tx-by-id [HASH] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for tx-by-id

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Validator Config

config a validator

operator validator config [OWNER_ADDRESS] [flags]


      --bls string            set node BLS PublicKey
      --canDelegate           set if validator can delegate (default true)
      --commission float      set validator commission (default 10)
  -h, --help                  help for config
      --logo string           configure validator logo URI
      --maxDelegation float   set validator max delegation (default 1e+08)
      --name string           set validator name
      --rewards string        set validator rewards address (default "OWNER")
      --uris stringToString   validator uris (default [])

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Validator Create

create a validator

operator validator create [OWNER_ADDRESS] [flags]


      --bls string            set node BLS PublicKey
      --canDelegate           set if validator can delegate (default true)
      --commission float      set validator commission (default 10)
  -h, --help                  help for create
      --logo string           configure validator logo URI
      --maxDelegation float   set validator max delegation (default 1e+08)
      --name string           set validator name
      --rewards string        set validator rewards address (default "OWNER")
      --uris stringToString   validator uris (default [])

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Validator Unjail

unjail validator

operator validator unjail [OWNER_ADDRESS] [flags]


  -h, --help   help for unjail

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Validator

validator actions

operator validator [flags]


  -h, --help   help for validator

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

Operator Version

Show version

operator version [flags]


  -h, --help   help for version

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --create-only               only create transaction to be signed later
      --fromAddress string        overwrite fromAddress
      --kdaFee string             use KDA to pay for fees
  -k, --key-file string           set walelt pem file --key-file=./walletKey.pem (default "./walletKey.pem")
      --message stringArray       set TX message --message="MyMessage"
  -m, --multi-files stringArray   add more files to sign tx. Ex: -m=./file.pem -m=./file2.pem
  -n, --node string               entrypoint to node API --node= (default "http://localhost:8080")
      --nonce uint                set TX nonce --nonce=33
  -p, --password string[="*"]     --password=MY_SECRET
      --password-file string      path to a file containing the password
      --permID int32              set TX permission ID --permID=0


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 6-Mar-2023

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