Become A Validator

What you need to become a validator and what you can do

To become a Klever Validator Node you will need 10M KLV staked, from that, at least 1.5M must be self-staked, the remaining amount can be from delegation.

How To Register A Validator Using Cli

Registering a validator is done in this way:

docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd)/wallet:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --network=host \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/operator \
    kleverapp/klever-go:latest \
    --key-file=./walletKey.pem \
    --node= \
    validator create \
    klv1h7vx629mwuv4pnecn0k9clxp9rt7rquat3kvydgu8npt20e0ntjq3jhd40 \
    --bls=ce3aa977d1028e2a91730259c4b66cd862b77c63253fa12932012288108a0b7f110da4a2e3e1c15cc94802a79afef418f9a724a1ebe1423c0fa897bae669f1735b082ff3f19b3e00acc76a2bb0f31b1856e3e55952655386fbedad9c55322b81 \
    --rewards=klv1h7vx629mwuv4pnecn0k9clxp9rt7rquat3kvydgu8npt20e0ntjq3jhd40 \
    --name=MyValidatorName \
    --logo="" \
    --commission=5 \
    --maxDelegation=12000000 \

The command follows this pattern:[OWNER_ADDR].


--bls is the BLS key --rewards is the address to whom the rewards are given. --name represents the Node name. --logo is the URL for the validator's image. --commission is the commission of the validator. --maxDelegation is the max amount of delegation the validator can receive. --uris is a key=value list of URIS.

  • Make sure you have entered the correct BLS pub key
  • Same as for send from CLI, one can also use public node to send the transaction

How To Freeze Klv For Staking

In order to freeze KLV, you should type the following code:

docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd)/wallet:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --network=host \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/operator \
    kleverapp/klever-go:latest \
    --key-file=./walletKey.pem \
    --node= account freeze 10000000

After the "freeze" instruction, there is this structure: [AMOUNT].

[AMOUNT] for how much is being frozen.

--kda is the Asset ID.

The minimum amount allowed to stake KLV is 1000 KLV.

How To Delegate Frozen Klv To Node

Delegate to an address [TO], pointing to the bucket [BUCKET_ID] where the frozen KLV is located.

docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd)/wallet:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --network=host \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/operator \
    kleverapp/klever-go:latest \
    --key-file=./walletKey.pem \
    --node= \
    account delegate \
    klv186vg5k3pqetmfuy04620htcvz3krugu7hqe4ukczdy48r222j78q9y8vm5 \

It's important to know that there's a minimum self-staking amount for the validator. The structure for delegate command is:


[DELEGATE TO ADDRESS] is the address you want to delegate the frozen bucket power (in this case your validator address)

--bucketID is the bucket hash, which can be found in the frozen TX ID or in Klever testnet explorer.

WIth the operator CLI, you can check the bucket ID with the command tx-by-id followed by the hash of the freeze transaction:

docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd)/wallet:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --network=host \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/operator \
    kleverapp/klever-go-testnet:latest \
    --key-file=./walletKey.pem \
    tx-by-id \

The Bucket ID can be found in the TX Receipt.

Edit The Validator Settings Change Node Bls Pubkey And Commission

You can change the validator configuration using this command:

docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $(pwd)/wallet:/opt/klever-blockchain \
    --network=host \
    --entrypoint=/usr/local/bin/operator \
    kleverapp/klever-go:latest \
    --key-file=./walletKey.pem \
    --node= \
    validator config \
    klv1h7vx629mwuv4pnecn0k9clxp9rt7rquat3kvydgu8npt20e0ntjq3jhd40 \
    --bls=ce3aa977d1028e2a91730259c4b66cd862b77c63253fa12932012288108a0b7f110da4a2e3e1c15cc94802a79afef418f9a724a1ebe1423c0fa897bae669f1735b082ff3f19b3e00acc76a2bb0f31b1856e3e55952655386fbedad9c55322b81 \
    --rewards=klv1h7vx629mwuv4pnecn0k9clxp9rt7rquat3kvydgu8npt20e0ntjq3jhd40 \
    --name=MyValidatorName \
    --logo="" \
    --commission=5 \
    --maxDelegation=12000000 \

Here's the structure: [OWNER_ADDRESS], where:

--bls is the BLS key --rewards is the address to whom the rewards are given. --name represents the Node name. --logo is the URL for the validator's image. --commission is the commission of the validator. --maxDelegation is the max amount of delegation the validator can receive. --uris is a key=value list of URIS.

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