
As previously mentioned in the overview, the meta tool comes in two flavors: one for the individual contract (based on the contract's ABI), and the other as a standalone tool. This section will explore the command-line interface (CLI) for both of these flavors.

Standalone Tool CLI

The all Command

Before diving into the details of the standalone tool's CLI, it's essential to understand the sc-meta all ... command. This command serves a special purpose: it allows the standalone tool to control multiple smart contract projects with a single command.

The all command finds all contracts in a given folder and calls the contract tool for each of them with the provided arguments. For instance:

  • sc-meta all abi will generate ABIs for all contracts.
  • sc-meta all build --locked will build all contracts, using the crate versions specified in Cargo.lock.
  • sc-meta all clean will clean all projects, removing build artifacts.
  • And so on.

You can also execute sc-meta all help to view CLI documentation, which is almost identical to that of the individual contract tool.

A related command is info, which prints a tree view of all the contract and contract libraries in a folder without making any changes to them.

ℹ️ Since the CLI of the individual contract tool is available in the standalone tool, the following two commands are equivalent:
cd my-contract && sc-meta all build
cd my-contract/meta && cargo run build

Parameters for sc-meta all:

  • --path: Specifies the target directory where the contract meta crates will be called. Default is the current directory.
  • --ignore: Specifies directory names to ignore. Default is to ignore the target directory.
  • --no-abi-git-version: Skips loading the Git version into the ABI.
  • --target-dir-meta: Allows specifying the target directory where the Rust compiler will build the intermediary files for the meta crates. Sharing the same target directory can speed up building multiple contract crates at once. Default is to use the workspace or build in meta/target.
  • --target-dir-all: Overrides both the --target-dir-meta and the --target-dir-wasm arguments.

Calling info

The info command provides an overview of the contracts and libraries residing under a folder, along with their framework versions. Here's an example output:

sc-meta info screenshot

Parameters for info:

  • --path: Specifies the target directory where to call all contract meta crates. Default is the current directory.
  • --ignore: Specifies directory names to ignore. Default is to ignore the target directory.

Calling upgrade

Running sc-meta upgrade will attempt to automatically modify the code of one or more contracts to make them compatible with the latest Rust framework version. The oldest version currently supported is 0.28.0. Any version older than that will require manual upgrading to at least 0.28.0.

This automatic upgrading process is particularly crucial when transitioning from 0.38 to 0.39.0, as many significant changes occurred at that point.

πŸ’‘ For projects with multiple contract crates, it is recommended to upgrade all of them simultaneously. The upgrade algorithm progresses step by step, version by version. For some major versions, it also checks that the project compiles before moving on. This allows developers to address issues manually if necessary, preventing them from accumulating. If there are local dependencies between contracts, the upgrader will not be able to perform the check unless all of them are upgraded together.
🚨 It is strongly recommended to maintain code versioning or at least have a backup of the contract code before using sc-meta upgrade. This automatic code alteration process significantly increases the importance of this recommendation.

Parameters for upgrade:

  • --path: Specifies the target directory where to call all contract meta crates. Default is the current directory.
  • --ignore: Specifies directory names to ignore. Default is to ignore the target directory.
  • --to: Overrides the version to upgrade to. Default is the last released version.
  • --no-check: By default, upgrade compiles the project after each major version upgrade. This allows developers upgrading multiple versions to address upgrade-related issues before they accumulate. This feature can be turned off using the --no-check flag. Default is to compile the project.

Calling local-deps

Executing sc-meta local-deps will generate a report of local dependencies between contracts and libraries within each contract. This report aids in achieving reproducible builds and may serve other purposes in the future.

Example output (abridged):

  "root": "/home/user/klever/klever-io/klever-vm-sdk-rsexchange-sc/",
  "contractPath": "/home/user/klever/klever-io/klever-vm-sdk-rsexchange-sc/dex/pair",
  "commonDependencyPath": "/home/user/klever/klever-io/klever-vm-sdk-rsexchange-sc",
  "dependencies": [
      "path": "common/common_errors",
      "depth": 1
      "path": "common/common_structs",
      "depth": 1
      "path": "common/modules/legacy_token_decode_module",
      "depth": 3
      "path": "common/modules/locking_module",
      "depth": 2
      "path": "common/modules/math",
      "depth": 2

Parameters for local-deps:

  • --path: Specifies the target directory where to call all contract meta crates. Default is the current directory.
  • --ignore: Specifies directory names to ignore. Default is to ignore the target directory.

Calling new

The new command creates a new smart contract project based on a standard template. This tool automatically replaces all the necessary names in the project, including the crate name, contract trait name, and the file name of the main source file.

Parameters for new:

  • --template: The contract template to clone. Available options can be retrieved using the templates command. (Required)
  • --name: The new name for the contract. If not specified, the template name will be retained by default.
  • --tag: The framework version on which the contracts should be created. Default is the latest released version.
  • --path: Specifies the target directory where the new contract directory will be created. Default is the current directory.

Calling templates

The templates command lists all available contract templates. As of framework version 0.43.2, the available templates are:


Parameters for templates:

  • --tag: The framework version on which the contracts should be created. Default is the latest released version.

Calling test-gen

The test-gen tool is used to generate boilerplate

) code when integrating JSON scenario files into a contract's Rust test suite.

In brief, JSON scenario tests are often associated with contracts and reside in the scenarios folder under the contract crate root. To execute these tests as part of the CI process, it's useful to generate a Rust test for each scenario. The test-gen tool automates this task.

These integration tests come in two flavors:

  • Rust tests, exclusively using the Rust debugger infrastructure.
  • VM tests that use the Go infrastructure.

For more information about JSON scenarios in smart contract projects, refer to the documentation.

Parameters for test-gen:

  • --path: Specifies the target directory where to call all contract meta crates. Default is the current directory.
  • --ignore: Specifies directory names to ignore. Default is to ignore the target directory.
  • --create: Creates test files if they don't already exist.

Individual Contract CLI

Calling abi

To generate the ABI for a contract, you can use the abi command by running sc-meta all abi or cargo run abi in the contract's root folder. This command generates the primary ABI file for the contract (<contract>.abi.json) along with any other JSON files created if #[kda_attribute("name", type)] was used (<name>.Kda-abi.json). You can read more about Kda Attribute ABI here.

ABI generation also occurs when running other contract commands, such as build, build-dbg, update, and so on. The abi command is specifically for generating the ABI without performing any other actions.

For a simple contract like this:

#[kda_attribute("myTicker", u64)]
pub trait SomeContract {
    fn init(&self) {}

The generated files would be:

β”œβ”€β”€ myTicker.Kda-abi.json
└── some_contract.abi.json

Parameters for abi:

  • --path: Specifies the target directory where the contract meta crates will be called. Default is the current directory.
  • --ignore: Specifies directory names to ignore. Default is to ignore the target directory.
  • --no-abi-git-version: Skips loading the Git version into the ABI.
  • --target-dir-meta: Allows specifying the target directory where the Rust compiler will build the intermediary files for the meta crates. Default is to use the workspace or build in meta/target.
  • --target-dir-all: Overrides both the --target-dir-meta and the --target-dir-wasm arguments.

Calling build

To build a contract, you can use the build command by running either sc-meta all build or cargo run build in the contract's meta crate. The standalone sc-meta tool essentially forwards this command to the contract meta crate.

By default, this command produces three files for each output contract: the ABI (<contract>.abi.json), the contract (<contract>.wasm), and a JSON file containing all the used VM EI imported functions (<contract>.imports.json). For example, if you have a multisig contract, the produced files would be:

β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-full.abi.json
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-full.imports.json
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-full.wasm
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-view.abi.json
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-view.imports.json
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-view.wasm
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig.abi.json
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig.imports.json
└── multisig.wasm

Parameters for build:

  • --locked: Uses the version from Cargo.lock without updating it, ensuring reproducible builds.
  • --wasm-name followed by a name: Replaces the main contract's name with the specified one. It has no effect on secondary contracts.
  • --wasm-suffix followed by a suffix: Appends a dash and the given suffix to all produced contract files. For example, running cargo run build --wasm-suffix dbg on a multisig contract would create contracts named multisig-dbg.wasm, multisig-view-dbg.wasm, and multisig-full-dbg.wasm.
  • --wasm-symbols: Retains function names and prevents them from being optimized away at compile time. Useful for investigating the WebAssembly Text (WAT) output.
  • --no-wasm-opt: Skips applying wasm-opt after the build, preserving function names. Useful for examining the WAT output.
  • --wat: Generates a WAT file for each contract output by calling wasm2wat.
  • --mir: Emits MIR (Mid-level Intermediate Representation) files when building.
  • --llvm-ir: Emits LLVM IR (Intermediate Representation) files when building.
  • --no-abi-git-version: Skips loading the Git version into the ABI.
  • --no-imports: Disables the generation of an EI (External Interface) imports JSON file for each contract, which is the default behavior.
  • --target-dir-wasm: Allows specifying the target directory where the Rust compiler will build the intermediary files for the contracts. Sharing the same target directory can speed up building multiple contract crates at once.
  • --target-dir: A synonym for --target-dir-wasm for backwards compatibility.
  • --twiggy-top: Generates a Twiggy top report after building.
  • --twiggy-paths: Generates a Twiggy paths report after building.
  • --twiggy-monos: Generates a Twiggy monos report after building.
  • --twiggy-dominators: Generates a Twiggy dominators report after building.

Additional parameters inherited from all when used in the standalone tool:

  • --target-dir-meta: Allows specifying the target directory where the Rust compiler will build the intermediary files for the meta crates.
  • --target-dir-all: Overrides both the --target-dir-meta and the --target-dir-wasm arguments.

Calling build-dbg

The build-dbg command is provided for convenience. Running cargo run build-dbg is equivalent to running cargo run build --wasm-symbols --no-wasm-opt --wasm-suffix "dbg" --wat --no-imports. It is ideal for developers who want to investigate the WebAssembly output produced by the compiler.

The output for build-dbg in the multisig example would be:

β”œβ”€β”€ multisig.abi.json
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-dbg.wasm
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-dbg.wat
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-full.abi.json
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-full-dbg.wasm
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-full-dbg.wat
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-view.abi.json
β”œβ”€β”€ multisig-view-dbg.wasm
└── multisig-view-dbg.wat

This command accepts all the arguments from build, so `--target-dir

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